Therapeutic & Empowerment Services
Therapeutic & Empowerment Services
REVIEWS - This form allows you to express your thoughts on the services you received at LOTUS. We hope you will take a moment and let us know how we did.
REVIEWS - This form allows you to express your thoughts on the services you received at LOTUS. We hope you will take a moment and let us know how we did.
We invite you to let us know about the services you received at LOTUS and encourage you to send a review to include Your name (first name only). Please mention your clinician by name and the type of service received, i.e. individual therapy, group therapy, reunification therapy, co-parenting education, DVIEP program, or Anger Management. Please also include a statement as you would want it to appear on our website for others to see when reviewing our services. If you prefer that comments are not shared publicly, please indicate that in the body of your review.
Thank you for taking the time to review your services at LOTUS.